A few weeks ago when cleaning out animal cages, as we brushed away the hay off the side of one of the cages we found an unexpected site- Mushrooms...which of course prompted us ordering online a book of Mushrooms that just came into the Library last week. Our son was the one extremely interested in this- he wanted to learn about edible and non-edible and poisonous mushrooms. The book is a great resource- and he can't wait to take it on some hikes to be on the look out to identify mushrooms.
This also prompted learning about growing mushrooms ourselves and interesting Mushroom facts....
This PDF Workbook on Mushrooms has some activities and information- American Mushroom Workbook
~~~Mind-boggling Facts
About Mushrooms~~~
Mushrooms have no
chlorophyll (a green pigment in plants), so
they don't need sunshine to grow and thrive. Some of the |
~ Grains and foods that come from animals are good sources of selenium. But in fresh produce, only mushrooms contain significant amounts of this mineral. Selenium plays an important role in the human immune system, the thyroid system, and the male reproductive system. |
Mushrooms are an
excellent source of copper, a mineral that the body needs to produce red
blood cells and for other functions. ~ Mushrooms have significant amounts of three B-complex vitamins: riboflavin (rye-bo-FLAY-vin), niacin (NYE-eh-sin), and pantothenic (pan-toe-THIN-ick) acid. The B vitamins help release energy from the fat, protein, and carbohydrates in food. |
To keep mushrooms
fresh, store them in a paper bag in the refrigerator. Avoid airtight containers
that can collect moisture and cause them to spoil faster. ~ Consumption of mushrooms in the United States increased from 3.7 pounds per person in 1993 to 4.2 pounds per person in 2000. |
Sales of the 2001-2002
U.S. mushroom crop totaled 851 million pounds, and consumers spent $912
million on them. ~ Truffles, or mushrooms that grow below the ground, are one of the world's most expensive foods. One variety, Tuber melanosporum, can cost between $800 and $1,500 a pound. |
The largest living
organism ever found is a honey mushroom, Armillaria ostoyae. It
covers 3.4 square miles of land in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon,
and it's still growing! Above info from: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/kids/farm/story4/mushroomfacts.htm
The library also has an art gallery which changes out every so often. We love to see what new displays they have, talk about the artists styles and sometimes replicate them at home.
The last of our Library collection was a group of Transportation, Horse, Car and Tractor books...to work on our 4H banner for our booth at fair. The kids have been working away, painting and preparing, the end result should be a wonderful collaboration from a group of talented kids!
Library trip always means park trip or river trip or just some kind of play time! This day it was the park. Our daughter immersed herself into her new books as our son and I played Frisbee and ball.
May your Sunday be blessed and you find joy in every moment of your day and say thanks.