Sunday, June 29, 2014

Vacation End

Our week with family was wonderful. What a blessed break from our usual here at home schedules. We enjoyed days with family and days with our animals at fair and enjoyed a day with grandparents at the fair as well. Of course there is never enough time but we made it to the beach, to feel the ocean at our toes and to our son's favorite Seaworld to see the rays and penguins and most importantly we got tons of time with our family.
A few pics from our week...

Our week wrapped up, picking up the animals late at 8pm on Saturday and driving straight home, arriving at 2:30am...long road trip home with two sleepy kiddo's, sleepy animals and a tired momma.
Days of relaxing ahead to recoup from the fun!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fair Drop Off, Family-Birthday Time

We made it safe and sound, out of town, to visit family, for the kids to show at fair, for our daughter to celebrate her birthday with family, for us to spend time with everyone. Its been a wonderful few days and we still have the rest of the week to go with plenty of time to visit, time to explore the fair, time to show and time to have fun. Tonight a concert seeing 'Pentatonix' at the fairgrounds which our daughter is super excited for.

Another celebration for this 14year old!
 Her Grame knows her so well- super excited about a 
Peace Love Bunny tee-shirt
 Fair Drop off- Cavies!
 Silly goats hollering at us while we were putting cavies in cages!
Vacation Week- fun, family time & fair time.

Friday, June 20, 2014

{this moment}

This Moment

. . . . . . . . .
{this moment} ~ A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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Linking to Soule Mama

Peaceful beautiful water day.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Ice Skating Fun

The weekend was filled with birthday celebration with friends for our daughter...some cleaning and errand running then just lots of fun, laughter, movie-watching, pizza eating then a trip out of town to go special ice skating. She had a great weekend with great friends. And little brother enjoyed being a part of it too.

My beautiful daughter is 14, its almost hard to believe.

Friday, June 13, 2014

{this moment}

{this moment}

. . . . . . . . .
{this moment} ~ A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
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Linking to Soule Mama 

Pigeon Baby Growth..Day 5
about 2-3x the size of the egg he hatched out of...amazing. 


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy 14th to our Daughter

14 years old - today our daughter turns. Reminiscing over years that have flown by, the day of her birth so many years ago...silly moments, cherished memories. My heart so filled with joy and blessings over this young woman. Growing right before my eyes, each and every day into such a beautiful person, inside and out. I admire her creativity, her love for reading, her passion for her animals, her big heart towards her friends, her dedication to 4H and dance. I love hearing her sing, watching her dance and even more so love listening to her when she's planning out loud a story to write or planning her future endeavors. She continuously amazes me with her brilliance and her caring nature. She lights up a room with her smile. We are proud parents to be a part of raising this amazing young woman. So a huge happy birthday to my daughter. I am so blessed to be her mother in every way and so thankful I get to share with my husband in this journey of raising her to an adult.
Life is amazing and she is such a blessing.

A truly big heart in this amazing young woman. Love our daughter.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Just a Tuesday Morning

Everyone was up bright and was the first day of summer session dance for our daughter. We dropped her off at class and our son and I headed to the nearby park...exploring, climbing, checking out bugs and birds, playing, running, laughing. It is nice to get those special alone moments with each child.

The afternoon brought reading, drawing, spending time with daddy and bbq'ing. Oh the lazy days of summer are here...

Lazy summer days.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Life & Death

Death...we candled all the duck eggs one last time...and the kids and I confirmed- no life. None. None of the eggs made it. We discussed the growth- checking each one, noticing that many didn't finish developing..and only three developed all the way. Last years clutch, all the eggs except two developed. This year being the lay was so late in the year we have to wonder if it had any thing to do with it.

But with death this morning, and cleaning out the ducks pen, putting momma and dad back together...we were blessed this afternoon with a tiny miracle- our son's pigeon egg hatched. Pigeons are not the cutest babies...our son says they are ugly-cute, our daughter begs to differ. But miracle of life none the less. Now we await to see if the 2nd egg will hatch.

Pigeon Baby - 1 hour old


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Saturday - Creative Kids

Love the imagination of children...
They've spent the day, not watching 'Saturday' morning cartoons..but
doodling, drawing,
writing, story making...
being creative, having awesome discussions, conversations,
brainstorming out loud.
I love it.

Love these guys- they inspire me to devote more time to creativity.