Friday, June 26, 2015

Its Friday!

Its been so hectic, work wise I've barely gotten to breathe much less post, much Change is in the air though and another week or so and things should be settling down. I don't enjoy busy-hectic...I enjoy a slower paced life, filled with quality time and the ability to be at peace. Soon, soon...I get that time each and every morning when I open my devotional and have my prayer before doing anything else. Its that talk with the Lord that keeps me grounded and at peace and let's me carry on through my day with that comfort and support from him no matter what I face. This week its been hot...we haven't done much...a sleepover for our son with a friend, our daughter has been reading and playing a new game she bought, we've been hanging out with the chickens- laughing at how they enjoy crumbs of Belgium waffles, trying to keep everyone watered and cool, watching documentaries- most recently about Hawaii and just enjoying being together- inside the AC! This weekend we have plans to empty out one of our storage units and venture to the lake to the cool water. A few pics from last weekends venture to the lake...our daughter has been working with water colors...and hubbie cooked some awesome shrimp fajita's one night when I worked late. So thankful for our family.

Blessed even when everything feels so busy.

Friday, June 19, 2015

This week....

This week we've been recouping from our trip to San Diego. It was filled with much fun, family time, Seaworld, the fair, seeing friends, beach time and thankful we were able to spend so much time out there. Its never enough but it was so valued. This week the kids have been sleeping in late, playing with friends, reading, watching movies and taking it easy. Today, hubbie and I got to work outside, weeding and prepping to plant. We got seeds planted for corn and sunflowers to start and hopefully they will grow and shade the house and yard a bit from the hot summer sun. Boots on, hands dirty, outdoor sun and breeze on my face, planting away.....yes this is the life. I told my husband..can we do this EVERY day!? Love the simple life.

 We've got plenty more weed eating to go....we were only gone a week yet it rained while we were gone and it seems everything has sprouted up again! Time to get to if we can just keep the summer heat at bay so we can get more weeding, planting and growing done!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Beach & Seaworld Day

Another beautiful day even being overcast. We were able to venture to the tide pools, see a very strange sea and red beach scattered with what we first thought were baby lobsters according to one news report but really were tuna crab. Very interesting. After our venture to the beach we hit up Seaworld again to view the dolphins, rays and see one show then head back for a relaxing dinner in and movie.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Trip Fun

Fun packed trip thus far...We've only been here since Saturday eve but already had some awesome experiences spending time with family. A trip to Seaworld, birthday shopping for our daughter, and dropping animals off at the fair! More to come of spending time at the rabbit judging at the fair, venturing to the beach, possibly Seaworld again, having a birthday party with family and seeing some friends in between. Trips always go by so very fast and it never seems like enough time spent...making the most of every moment and soaking in the love from our family.

Quality time, fun time, FAMILY time.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

TGIF People! The longest week ever? I think so.
 A little peek into what's been happening...
Cleaning Cages
Prepping Animals
Preparing for our trip
Sick Kids
Snuggle Puppies
Healthy Eats
Water in the heat
Reminiscing old times
Planning birthdays
Pushing through hard days
Laughing, Loving

 2 years two favorite girls...My Momma and Daughter stinkin' cute.
 Bunnies lined up while hubbie and daughter cage clean.
 Striving for health each and every day...drinking my water, eating healthy, exercising, getting enough sleep. Taking care of myself. Because if I take care of me, I can do a better job at taking care of my family.
 Healthy Clean Veggie Loaded Lunches...I'm on a ROLL here!! Fueling with good eats!
Now to finish out this Friday and head out of town tomorrow to see family. The excitement is here in our home! 

Fair, Family, Friends, FUN!