Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's a Thankful Day

It's Thanksgiving today...7:30am here...and also hubbie's birthday. Today we'll meet up with his sister and sweet baby girl for a bit of play before we come home to cook our meal, have a few presents for him and some pie and send him off to bed early as he still has to work tonight. It is bittersweet as our son especially talks about it only being 'us' for the day and for our meal and asks about other family, talking about how he misses his grandpa so much. This is the first year without husbands father, their grandpa. We also think of their aunt, hubbie's sister who also passed this year and their family out of state who celebrates the day without her for the first time as well. We remind our children and remind ourselves that there is much to be thankful for, even if we feel sad or miss loved ones for a moment through the day. Both children tell me this morning they wish we could have gone to see their other grandparents. They seem to miss them so much more since their other grandpa went to heaven. We say we can call them on the phone today, we talk about our super fun week trip that was only a few weeks ago...everyone smiles and laughs- it was a great trip. And we all are thankful and look forward to the next trip in a few months that we'll spend with them again.

Since coming home we started each night at prayers saying something we were thankful for...the kids went through their whole list of animals, and every member of the family, some friends, activities like ballet and gymnastics and 4H, our home, our big yard and road trips.

Yes, our family has much to be thankful for.

Yesterday, we spent the morning while husband slept and snuck away to the park to work on birthday cards and have some play time before lunch and chores. The evening brought family fun, a fire in the fireplace and staying up late for two movies. The kids loved 'Planes' and 'RIPD". 

Life is beautiful and we are thankful for every moment of it.

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