With hopes that the weekend would bring two great feeling kids when that didn't happen we settled in and stayed indoors on the couches with blankets, naps, snacks, books and movies to make sure come Monday and Tuesday on dad's day off everyone was well. Not well yet but definitely on the mend we ventured out for a trip to Home Depot...oh how we can always find things that go onto our someday list from there...nice paints, thoughts of remodeling, gorgeous gardens...its a nice daydreaming store. After there we had heard about a new feed type store in town- well according to hubbie a Tractor store- and the cashier laughed as she said its mostly men who are giddy- and this time it was me- hay sold by the bales instead of expensive bags for our small animals- I was truly happy..to the point I'm pretty sure our daughter was wanting to be anywhere but near me but luckily the store wasn't crowded! :) Saving money, and a lot of it makes this momma very happy. So a bale of hay we bought after wandering isle by isle of western clothing, boots, toys, bags of feed, medications, supplies, chicken coops, magazines on homesteading and animals and plants then of course a line of tractors that had hubbie really drooling! A fun looking trip. I'm pretty sure we'll be back soon!
Today, not yet into our school grove from vacation and being sick we spent the morning in the gorgeous sunshine- me reading then taking breaks to converse with the kids- our son and I bird watched, made bird feeders then he designed and drew contraptions out of sticks, marking each stick with a number then labeling the corresponding drawing on his paper to come back later and turn these sticks into usable objects. Love the imagination. Our daughter read several books, her more congested still than our son...she ventured out for a few moments of sunlight then went in to take a morning nap. An afternoon movie of the Croods- but this time our son watched it is Spanish stating it was time he learned a foreign language- where does he come up with these things!? GO FOR IT! And into the eve we will go to 4H, spend time with friends discussing animals and projects and having a bit of fun too! A nice few days off with dad and blessed the kids are finally on the mend from their illnesses.

Special moments in every day...seek them out, cherish them forever.
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