Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Crafting & Into Town

Just a normal week with schooling and working. The kids finished up a documentary about Benjamin Franklin as they've been studying American History and Colonial Times and are now moving into the American Revolution. Our daughter has been working hard at math skills and our son has been taking to reading more independently on his own and seems to be enjoying it more. Those are two things they struggle with individually that seem to be coming along. Piano was played his songs learned. Our son found a mini-hymn book and has been learning songs from it. Yesterday our daughter worked on sewing a costume while hubbie taught our son how to make a paracord bracelet. Today brought a trip to the library and shopping in town..a few pictures captured along the road to show off the beautiful snow that has glazed everything over. A normal week is still wonderful.

May your week be blessed with happiness and adventure even in the 'normal' happenings.

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