Monday, September 6, 2021

We're MOVING to Texas!!

 Or more accurately....We've MOVED to Texas, or we're STAYING in Texas.

What a whirlwind. What an experience. 

We’ve had enormous ups and downs, highs and lows, challenges, and ENORMOUS blessings. The things we’ve learned, the bonds of family and marriage we’ve strengthened, the spiritual guidance, our faith grown – we wouldn’t change this experience for anything. If I wrote to tell you all the amazing blessings we’ve witnessed, miracles we’ve experienced, kind people we’ve met and all the amazing things that challenged us yet grew our faith I’d be writing a book. In a short time that’s how much has happened to our family.

Right before we moved to the month-to-month rental house.....We lived in a Tow Yard / Car Junk Yard.

It was the biggest blessing. We just had the brush off from the RV repair shop, we had been staying at a hotel already for 4 nights - they essentially told us they weren't going to/couldn't get us fixed and that we needed to tow our rig out of their lot NOW. We arranged the tow and met the tow guy at the shop. The tow company owner who was towing us asked where we were going - we said to an empty lot- but we didn't know what we were going to do, really where to go from there.
The tow guy offered us HELP. He was part owner of the company and also lived on site at the tow yard. He offered to tow us to his lot and said we could live there in our rig so we didn't have to pay any more hotel nights, so we'd be in our own 'home' while we figured things out. He offered us FREE stay, water, restroom and even offered us his mechanic to help Ken with some items and to take a look at things.
His kindness bought us time. Time to pray, time to figure out where to go, what to do.
Not only did he do all of these things for us - - but then when we found our month-to-month rental home - he gave us a HUGE discount on the tow and towed us 90 miles to our new home.
I still get teared up thinking about the compassion this kind man and his company had for us when we didn't know what do to or where to go.
Our entire RV travels - God has been working miracles in such BIG enormous ways.
It has challenged us to increase our faith when things felt hopeless, but by increasing our faith ten fold it has increased our blessings ten fold with it.
We have had some AMAZING experiences these last few months that maybe on the surface don't seem amazing (living in a tow yard)- but are complete miracles to us. God is SO good.
When nothing came out of fixing the RV our prayers led us to rent this house. Month-to-month lease – we thought not permanent, it will buy us time to fix the RV. 
Once in this town, settling in, meeting people, going to church – we felt like we were HOME. We KNEW. But it’s hard sometimes when its not ‘your’ plan to not only hear God but follow his guidance in what you are supposed to do. How can we be ‘home’ when we haven’t finished our travels yet – we haven’t seen everything we were supposed to, visited the other states on our list - - how can this be it? That wasn’t ‘our’ plan. I went through being upset the RV wasn’t fixed initially then questioning what we were doing. But once letting go of what ‘our’ plan was and leaning into faith and Gods plan for us, everything has come together in every way and there is a calm and peace in ourselves, and our family. God has bigger, better plans for you than you can ever ‘plan’ out. He knows your path and wants you to have faith in his guidance. 
So NOW, we’re in the process of moving out of our month-to-month because no pigs / pigeons allowed – and we’re leasing land on a farm on the other side of town that we can have our animals at. We’ve bought a tiny-house cabin (360sf) to build out to have additional space other than just our 33ft RV, as we’ve really enjoyed living small-and minimally while we pray and pursue our forever land to purchase here. 
Our new land / our new space for our RV - looking towards the back of the property to the barn and pen area where our pig girls will be housed.

Looking out towards the road at the front from our space.
Our tiny home / cabin. We'll take our time, go slow and build out the inside to provide some additional space so that everyone can have room to have some privacy between using the RV/and this space as well.
Our plans for this tiny cabin down the road is for  it to have a bathroom so we can have a tub (since the RV has the tiniest of little showers), to have a small kitchen area just with a small mini-fridge and sink and a bit of counter space and to be able to have a studio-type guest space for guests when they come over (specifically my family) to have a space to stay overnight and be comfortable and not have to be in a hotel. And there's even a cute little porch where I can see my parents sipping their morning coffee from! 
My sweet husband is already wanting to put up a little railing flower box in the front for me.

The future feels amazing. The minute we said YES to Texas and really said yes in our hearts and opened ourselves up to the possibilities the more each and every day being here solidifies this is HOME. 
We have always prayed and asked for guidance in our life. God has guided us for various reasons to different places these past years...a 6 month stint in Idaho, 5 beautiful years in Prescott Arizona and now here to Texas. At times we thought we knew the reason at the start of our journey but really we didn't SEE the reason until looking back. Isn't that how it goes sometimes? You know God is working daily in your life and he sees the big picture but you don't always see it until you look back on it. And how glorious and miraculous it is to look back and see his hand in everything, every detail - my how he loves us so much.

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