Sunday, May 27, 2012

School is DONE time for FUN!

That's it! We're all done for the year! Onto our wonderful summer, detoxing from regular school and heading to home school. Week in review: Class parties at the community pool, pizza party, year book signings and fun field days then saying good bye to a few great teachers and getting phone numbers to stay in contact with friends! It was a good end of the year week and both kids had fun!

Our family took a Lake Trip to relax for the day and there's going to be plenty of these kinds of trips this summer! Snacks, raft time, relax time, sun time- FUN time!!

This weekend...our daughter went to a birthday sleepover and our son is recouping on the couch- he's caught a cold. It's been a cooler weekend so we've tackled some yard work and house work while the kids rest up!

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