Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Schooling, Farming, Life

Its our 'first' official week of school. Its only been a few days but in the last few weeks we've ordered books from the library and displayed some on our shelf of our son's interests to kick off our year. In the next weeks we're talking about solar power. Monday's we dubbed build it-make it day. He built a little solar car that came from a book we had purchased years ago. It had been sitting around and he decided we were going to read it and do the projects. In the weeks to come we'll make a solar oven, hot dog cooker and sundial along with anything else he can thing of! It wouldn't be learning time with our son without some nature and bird exploration - Peregrine Falcons this week...where they live, babies, photography and found a short you tube video too on a channel our son likes!

Peregrine Falcon with Brave Wilderness

Of course we read, did some spelling and reviewed math as well.

We spent time outside - watering and talking sprouts and hanging out with our animals. Every day mid day we spend time with Scarlett our 'big pig' and water her and give her pets and treats.  We check on the chickens, the baby chicks and the pigeons.

 Rusty thinks he needs a nap in the middle of learning....
 Our son has been into white board art the last month...a few of his art works:

Our sweet 'big pig' Scarlett. Nickname: Sweet face. She's so happy go lucky and sweet.

 And little Ro. Our son snapped this - she was sound asleep but awoke at the camera sound. Our son calls her the burrito baby when she naps because she somehow gets all the blankets built up on either side of her and reminds him of a wrapped burrito.
 We chatted about his beloved Acorn this week. One of the things he loved best about her - was taking her to fair and how she would just sit with him so calmly and people watch. She let kids pet her. She was such a good bird.
Tried a Kung Pow Chicken Recipe over the weekend with oven roasted baby bok choy. 
Sometimes we do our recipes vegetarian and sometimes we leave the meat depending what the family is in the mood for.
In the garden...
Radish's came up first...
 Kale was next...
 Reminiscing about Grandma's lately - one gone to Heaven, one in another state. 
And thinking of Grandparent blessings.
Our whole family including the kids especially talk frequently about how blessed we were to live close to grandparents for so long and of course how they long to have been close to them longer. We've lived with both the kids grandparents in the past and in looking back wouldn't have it any other way. 
What a blessing that time was. Time is something you never get back and now our children have these wonderful memories of not just seeing grandparents on weekends or holidays but seeing them every day. Family is most important in this life.

Happy September...learning, farming, living.

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