Saturday, October 6, 2018

Stay-at-home Saturday

Today's Agenda: stay at home. Yard work, indoor cleaning, spending time with animals. Relaxing.

I was able to spent some time with the garden this morning - thinning the radish and turnips. The covers hubbie got from work then he built a frame with pvc pipe. They are working great at keeping the grasshoppers away and will work at keeping the plants warmer when frost comes as well. Everything is growing good. We just got in a 2nd bout of lettuce last week (first one didn't sprout due to our heat) and 4 have already sprouted -they are loving the October cool down. Another go at Kale will go in next weekend. The grasshoppers took out the first round of Kale so they never grew.

We have 4 beds for our fall garden - 2 smaller and 2 larger. We are growing; turnips, kale, sweet peas, snap peas, carrots, romaine lettuce, mix lettuce, green lettuce, spinach, kale and radish.

We had wanted to do garlic and onions but due to trying to keep costs at minimum to zero we're pretty sure we are not going to do them this year - perhaps next year.

We did just ordered microgreens though for the first time as we can grown them indoors through the winter and they were at a great price. We're thinking about doing sprouts down the road too and ordering them from the same place below.
We got basic salad mix microgreens here:  trueleafmarket - - micro-greens-planting-seed_basic-salad-mix-microgreen
 Snap Peas
Sweet Peas

Our chickens:
Dave the Rooster of the Coop
 Everyone loving the pig straw. They make nests in it, bury in it, fling it around and make a mess with it! White fluffy butts are our Silkies - Tater Tot and Sweet Potato. Dave the Roo and the little brown and black one is Pistachio.
 Our new babies that have just gone out with the others are in the back - Henry is the white mottled one, Almond is the brown and black. Coco is in the front of the pool- she is our son's favorite bird since his beloved Acorn passed.
 More Silkies - beige is Sally and the white is Snow White. After going through a molt they are just getting back in their fluff and feathering and starting to look normal once again!

Storm is coming today.
 Last weekend our son made a recipe from his library book - Rainbow chard quiche along with a side of garlic thyme roasted potatoes and a bit of bacon on the side for our meat loving daughter.

 Some of our meals this week:
 We are all in the FALL mood! (so that means a few soups!)

Slow Cooker Jambalaya - (we are swapping out the chicken and adding shrimp instead but keeping it a meat dish) 

Vegetarian Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup  served with crusty bread- (our FAVORITE, SO good!!) recipe:

  Vegan Creamy Tomato Soup  / along with some grilled cheese sandwiches

Grilled Jamaican Jerk Eggplant over Rice and a side of Kale

Plus we are doing a fish night with fish, roasted potatoes and green beans then a leftover night as well.  We tend to eat mainly vegetarian (5+ nights per week) then 1-2 meat dishes (for daughter/and hubbie). On meat nights we always have tons of veggie options as well though.

Family Saturday staying at home.

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