Sunday, February 21, 2021

Road Trip Saturdays & More RV Progress

 This weekend and last weekend have been road trip Saturdays. Last weekend to Phoenix, this weekend to Tucson. Phoenix was to check out some RV salvage yards which turned out to be a bust but at least we got a day trip date, beautiful scenery, lunch, time together and did find some curtains for the RV and couch pillows.

This weekend to Tucson was to take a tour and visit the pig rescue/sanctuary that our two pig girls will be boarded at while we travel. Ironwood is the largest pig rescue/sanctuary in our state and one of the largest also in the US. They do amazing work helping pot-belly pigs.

You can view some of their resident pigs, and see their pens/fields etc and learn more about them here:


Phoenix trip....saguaro's, Rubio's for lunch, a visit to the Phoenix temple. 

Tucson trip....more saguaro's, visited 600 pigs and met the amazing woman and her husband who run the place as well as took a look at their boarding area and had a LONG drive day but gave hubbie and I lots of time to hang out, talk and laugh. Good thing we love spending time together - between the drive, stops, lunch it was 8 hours we were gone.


 RV progress... FLOORING! Front room, entry way, kitchen - - DONE! 

This guy - my husband is truly Mr. Handyman - with everything - he can fix cars, do any kind of home repair - and install flooring! I am so thankful and feel so blessed that he had such a great dad that took the time to teach him these skills to benefit our family. Oh and he's got a HUGE amount of patience for me as I learn. He's the main man here- and I'm the assistant. I sort of feel bad as I just hand him things or hold things or what not (and take pictures of him working!) but he says the job does go quicker with 2 people vs 1 even if I am just the 'helper'!

(Eventually the yuck brownish carpet under the front seats will go- but a project for a later date!)

New entry way and it goes into the kitchen - probably my favorite part of the flooring. Previously there was just carpet until you got fully into the kitchen. But we figured with 2 dogs I needed to be able to walk in and get their leashes off/paws cleaned if need be without standing on carpet. So now we have a little entry way into the RV from the front door.

And we finally built our couch-bed combo this weekend as well. We're still undecided if it actually works in the space or not. Its certainly comfy and gives us a lot of bed room- just not sure if it takes up too much living room.

Week by week making more progress. Day by day things are coming along. We still have a lot to go but we're excited to start our journey together as a family.

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