Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thankful & Grateful - Happy Thanksgiving

NOVEMBER - -  Life is good. There's always ups and downs, highs and lows but its how we choose to see things, what we choose to focus on. We don't have to be pulled down by life's hard times, we can acknowledge the hard, feel those feelings, cry out, but choose to focus on our blessings. There's always blessings to be felt, seen, acknowledged in our lives and for that we are thankful and grateful. 

Every morning I take Ernie pup on our walk I feel those enormous blessed feelings and I thank the Lord for the little things, big things, in between things - all the things. The sunshine on my skin, its warmth, the beauty of the large oak trees surrounding, the way their leaves rustle, the intricate way the moss and vines climbs up the limbs as I look above, the ability to move my body each day, the gratitude I feel for being in this place, this town, this state, the wonderful people we've met, how it feels more like home in our hearts than anywhere has, that we are all together in this space and place right now as a family. Life is so amazing and so full of beautiful blessings.

 This month.....

I had my birthday, hubbie has his tomorrow.

1st Thanksgiving in Texas

Cooking the very first holiday meal in our RV / tiny RV oven!

Fall looks like its here - leaves everywhere

Market Days in town

Park walks with the pup

Exploring rivers and parks

For my birthday we did breakfast in Flatonia at Darlin's Diner, antique window shopping and site seeing in Smithville and some chocolate birthday cake that evening! It was our first time to this cute little diner but after seeing rave reviews a while back I was excited to try it. It did not disappoint and I can't wait to return to try other menu items.

Darlin's Diner Menu

Weekly Monday night family board game evenings....this week was Life. Ernie pup laying at our feet while we laugh and play together. We now have a loveseat, recliner, and chair in the tiny cabin so we go over there for some space and place to play.
Texas sunsets.
Our neighbor cows. #35 and 36 are exceptionally friendly and come out to the fence line that meets our backyard to say hello. They are super interested in our pup but he doesn't care much. 36 let me pet its head. Cows are awesome.
Luckily our landlord behind us also has chickens that venture into our yard on a daily basis so it makes me less miss having chickens of my own. I told my husband the minute we get our own land I'm getting a flock!! I can't wait!!
Kale and several types of lettuce are holding strong in this gardening zone here in south central Texas. For now we are container gardening but we're making large garden plans (and dreams) for when we aren't in this space and have our own place. For now finding contentment with just a few plants. We also have tomatoes and peppers.
Yard views out front...It's officially FALL y'all!  Leaves everywhere but yet still a lot on the trees and still pretty green everywhere we venture. We're loving Texas and can't wait to experience a full year here.

Pup walks every morning at our city park.
Day trip to La Grange to check out a fishing spot along the Colorado River. There's also a nice spot along the same river in the town of Columbus.
Venturing to city parks in other cities. We've officially hit all the ones up in every town surrounding us.

We are loving Texas, loving our new area, still trying to settle into a routine here and anxiously awaiting to pick up our pot belly pigs, our sons pigeons and the remainder of our items in our storage. We are blessed.

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