Friday, December 10, 2021

Our girls are HOME to Texas!

 Its been a long time, so long since I've seen mine and my son's pigs. Our girls were boarded mid-March so that we could embark on our 3-4 month (possibly up to 6 month) RV travel trip. Now December - -  9 months later they are finally home. We had no idea when we left them it would be so long or that we would be relocating them 'home' to Texas. God is SO good and ensured their care, safety and bringing them home to us. Between having the most amazing caregiver for our girls while we we traveled, to our awesome new landlord who is providing space on his own land for a pen and cover for our girls, and the caring church family who lent us their trailer when we couldn't find one in time that would work. Miracles, blessings all along the way....and now they are finally home and here with us.

They traveled well, Scarlett better than Ro-Ro but they did amazing for a 2 day trip and an overnight all spent in a trailer.  They have never seen grass in their lives living in Arizona...and now they have green grass everywhere and a big tree above them. They are together, they have cow and chicken friends come over to say hello, they are happy - and we are happy!

I've of course snapped about a million pictures in under a week - they have my heart. A lot of people if you don't have pigs, and have never been around a pot belly pig don't really understand - but they are as bonded and close to our family as your family dog is. But they are smarter! Pigs are incredibly emotional creatures, smart and bond to each other as well as to their caretakers and family. Its a forever bond. When they got home and heard my voice they got excited and came over- they still KNEW me. I tried out their tricks/commands and they still knew all of them. My heart overflows, I love these girls so much. Now for some photo catch up below.....

Traveling from Arizona to Texas - 16 hour trip - 2 days, 1 overnight - - but they had each other!

Seeing grass for the first time and checking out their new home and pen. Cow friends came by to say Hi.

Settling in - getting their meals, getting used to their routine, and getting plenty of belly rubs!

Our happiness, our home. Life together as a family, with our animals, in this place and space, in this town, in Texas. We are just feeling so incredibly blessed.

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