Sunday, August 19, 2012

Roping, Sewing Socks & Nature

I'm smiling as I upload and go through pictures of our weeks adventures. It has been another wonderful, beautiful week of life together. We did stay home quiet a bit as I had work to do but in between my phone calls and paperwork we had fun too! Adventures, board games, movies, cleaning, fun, play, make believe, reading, nature, crafts and more....

A Mom's gotta work but a Mom's gotta be a MOM too!  A few things we did this week....

Our son tried his hand at 'roping' and exclaimed he was a Cowboy as he roped the shop vac in the house :) and the dogs got wild watching this rope go round and round above his head. 

 It was fun to see him twirl it, trying over and over until he finally 'caught' something!

Sewing Socks
Our daughter found the cutest book- she loves crafts and sewing and is always cutting up odds and ends and sewing up doll clothes, stuffed animals, toy dolls and anything else she can think of. At times she has found socks hmmm..that some how had lost their partners and has made things out of them. At the library she found a book specifically for making animals out of socks....she worked on a cat all afternoon one day. My son and I worked together on a pig for him- it was so fun!

I highly recommend the book- Stray Sock Sewing- it has wonderful, simple idea's for kids to sew.

Nature is Beautiful
We took a little road trip, trying to hunt down a new place to go adventure, hike, explore and picnic. We came to a Wildlife Preserve, read, explored then headed to a nearby park for a picnic dinner. Then the next morning for a little swim in the cool water until lunch time...fresh air, water and nature.  I dipped my toes as I watched them play and read my book in between.  Slowly breathing in and out as I enjoyed the moments of their laughter together as they pulled each other back and forth in the water and beckoned me to come in with them...I did of course! We saw various dragon flies, fish in the water and commented on all the boats pulling in and out.

We are busy as fair approaches, assisting our daughter to prepare, study and take care of her animals. She is so excited to see friends she hasn't seen for a while, anxious to tell the visitors to the fair about her projects and animals and thrilled that her Grame is coming to see her show in person. A few short weeks to go. We are so proud of her!

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