Thursday, January 31, 2013

7th Grade Math, Dust Bowl, More Sheep....

Still recuperating from the ever hanging on sickness my son and I came home with two weekends seems we are finally on the mend. With lingering coughs, we actually made it outside today to enjoy the sudden warmth and play in the yard a bit, even rake what soon will be the garden and gaze upon the sheep who moved in several months ago but now have finally transitioned to the closest field to our home. What fun it is to see them frolicking about, their babies now bigger, grazing, prancing, ba'ing. Sneakily we attempted to get close and capture some pictures...

More Sheep...

7th Grade Math
We are on new ground as our daughter has spent the later portion of last week researching math programs with us, for her. She needs to see her progress, know she's on the right track grade level wise and challenge herself to learn more, this is what she says she wants, she needs, so we have pursued a program to give her that. We found one we all like, that is affordable and so far she's loving, we did the two day trial and now have signed up. Will it be the last one we use? Who knows, will we find a better fit down the road? Maybe. Never settle or think you've come up with the perfect 'home school' education- as parents we are learning, exploring, researching every day as well.
The program she is using, she is 12yrs and currently in '7th' grade. She is using Middle School Math 2 with: Aleks for Homeschool

Dust Bowl Unit Study
After visiting a local museum when we first moved out here several years ago, both kids have had an interest in learning more about an exhibit they had on the dust bowl. We checked out several books from the library, watched a PBS video, mapped the dust area and talked about the states involved.  There are so many aspects to learn about with this, we barely touched on it. We plan on making another trip to the museum this weekend and see where to go next with our studies on it. Fascinated that they have distant relatives who lived in Oklahoma, and ones who lived in Bakersfield, they plan on doing a sort of family history project and 'interview' grandparents during an upcoming trip in a few months to see them which I think is a fantastic idea. This just opens up more doors for conversation, research, and learning.

PBS Dust Bowl 1 hr Video: PBS Dust Bowl

Tomorrow, Friday we head out to the Library for our weekly trip to pick out new books and head to the park to play with other homeschoolers. Library day is one of the kids favorites. The excitement to receive the books they have placed on hold, the anticipation to look through the shelves to find new adventures and interests. I love it too and love that they enjoy it so. 

Have a lovely Friday and the most wonderful weekend!

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