Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Sushi

New Years is a family event - its not where the hubbie and I get a babysitter and go out and party- we enjoy spending the time with our kids. Last year we went to the movie theater and bought sparklers to do at home. This year we did some crafts and science son made stink bombs with hubbie while my daughter painted a tiny porcelain tea set then they both 'grew' marbles. It was fun.

My daughter and I ran to the craft store to pick up some more ribbon and get some new bows ready for her 4-H competition in a few weeks. 
For dinner we made Veggie Sushi and Organic Miso Soup - so YUMM.
This last week while the kids have been on their first week of vaca we made home made pizza's and took a trip to the library.
This is what hubbie and I are reading....
Our 6th grade daughter is extremely into American Girl and started reading the 'Molly' Series:
And then what our 1st grade boy is reading this week...

New Years comes every year with people making resolutions. This last year I look back and think 'we are doing pretty good'. We work hard, play hard, spend quality time with our children and have grown even closer as a family. What more could we want. So, I believe for this year we need to keep growing in the same direction- to make our house a home, learn new things as a family, continue to spend that quality time together that will make those lasting wonderful memories forever. At the end of your life will you look back and be so proud that you put so many hours in at work or will you be happy that you spent time with your family and the ones who matter most to you. That is our families priority- each other.                              HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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