Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Choosing Health

Today I am very happy.  Most days (99.9%) :) I am very happy, very thankful, very grateful and feel very blessed, but today I'm beaming. 3 months ago, in December I made a big decision. A decision for my health, my well-being. I decided that myself and our family needed to start eating better and I needed to start exercising. Being vegetarians people automatically assume you eat very well- meaning very healthy- vegetables. But when we decided to move out of state we started eating very poorly...we were busy, I was working mad hours...we ate out all the time, we bought cheap quick foods for home and our diets and ourselves suffered for that. Once settled in November I really noticed how bad I felt- sluggish, no energy, funky moods and just didn't feel 'well'. I thought it was perhaps stress, the change of moving. We began eating better, eating at home and I started feeling better. But diet alone wasn't good enough. I needed something more. I started doing a work out program recommended by a friend. I started doing yoga before our decision to move and its amazing how great I felt just dedicating that hour to myself, to my well being. I quickly stopped when we became 'busy'. I don't want to let 'busy' get in the way of my being healthy, my family being healthy. I want to set a good example and be a good role model for my children, eating wise and exercise. It has been 3 months of eating well and 2 months of exercise programs- and I have loss 12 lbs and 12 inches and gone down 2 pant sizes. But more importantly than my physical change is how I feel- energetic, healthy, happy....in this journey our children have been making better choices, trying new foods and exercising more as well. We are on the right track. We are choosing health.

May you and your families choose a healthy life too.

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